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“Healthy food is important to me,” says Nancy, 71.

Nancy aims for the healthiest lifestyle possible, despite her arthritis and cataracts. She enjoys walking, golfing and staying physically active in general, though she says the COVID-19 pandemic caused her to cut back on activity.

“Many seniors like myself have turned into hermits,” she says of the precautions surrounding the pandemic.

Nancy receives a small pension from the postal service but says it’s a challenge to afford groceries with her limited income — and she knows she’s not alone in this struggle.

“A lot of residents in this community are hurting right now,” she says of the Spanish Lakes 55+ community.

That’s why Nancy was thankful she saw a flyer about Treasure Coast Food Bank’s Mobile Pantry. She says the food is a huge help for countless residents of her community.

“We are on [a] limited income and every bit counts,” she says.

Your gifts to the Treasure Coast Food Bank help make sure countless seniors just like Nancy can not only fill their tables with nutritious food but also look forward to a healthier, brighter future.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]