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Deb Neufeld has volunteered with the Treasure Coast Food Bank for the last five years, but her greatest joy comes from the time she spends with the Mobile Pantry Program.

“This provides immediate gratification in terms of helping human beings,” she says. “You see those that you’re helping.”

Deb worked in the school system for 35 years before retirement but has hardly slowed down ever since. In addition to other volunteer opportunities and working out, she volunteers between 10 to 20 hours each month with the Treasure Coast Food Bank.

“I have always been from a family that has given to charity,” she says. “It’s part of my culture to give back.”

Deb recalls Treasure Coast Food Bank mobile distributions before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when people would sometimes wait four hours or more.

Since then, “the need has multiplied exponentially,” she says.

With that in mind, Deb urges you to volunteer your time as well.

“The people at the [Treasure Coast] Food Bank are wonderful people,” she says, noting the numerous options for volunteers to give their time and enjoy themselves too.

Thank you, Deb, for giving your time to help your neighbors in need and for building a stronger community for all of us.
