We are committed to ensuring that everyone along the Treasure Coast has access to nutrition and supportive services that address the complexities of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Through this expansion, we can strengthen capacity and create long-term pathways for our neighbors to thrive.

Alarmingly, 1 in 4 adults and children do not have enough food to be healthy and thrive on the Treasure Coast.

There is an increase in need for food assistance and life stabilization services that is high above pre-pandemic levels.

The population on the Treasure Coast is quickly increasing. We have to keep up with the growing demand for our services.

As a result of rapid growth, we are operating far beyond capacity.

Our staff, programs and services are spread among five locations, which limits efficiency and long-term sustainability.

 – Prepare and store more supplies for first responses to emergencies such as natural and manmade disasters both locally and as a key component to statewide disaster response efforts.

– We can increase nutritious food, produce, prepared meals and other critical services.

– We can expand & lead programming that meets the unique needs of children, seniors, families, veterans and people living with chronic illness or disabilities.

Unite: Investing in Partners

– By leveraging the capabilities of the organization’s valued 300+ community-based agency partners we will expand services

and reach to where they are needed most.

– Offer more job training programs and courses to empower our community members

Flourish: Addressing Root Causes

 – We can focus on stabilizing lives through a person-centered approach, collaboration, and innovation. Connecting people and neighborhoods with the greatest needs to nutritious food and essential services through the creation of a new 132,000 square-foot facility will allow us to measure success by the number of lives positively impacted by our network.

If you are interested in learning more about the FEED, UNITE, FLOURISH campaign, the naming and giving opportunities or multi-year pledge options please fill out the form below to contact
Chief Development Officer, Jessica Gosa.

Jessica Gosa - Chief Development Officer

We are investing in a plan to increase organizational capacity and impact on the community to bring our vision of a hunger-free Treasure Coast to life.

A Stronger Future

We are committed to ensuring that everyone along the Treasure Coast has access to nutrition and supportive services that address the complexities of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Through this expansion, we can strengthen capacity and create long-term pathways for our neighbors to thrive.

Alarmingly, 1 in 4 adults and children do not have enough food to be healthy and thrive on the Treasure Coast.

There is an increase in need for food assistance and life stabilization services that is high above pre-pandemic levels.

The population on the Treasure Coast is quickly increasing. We have to keep up with the growing demand for our services.

As a result of rapid growth, we are operating far beyond capacity.

Our staff, programs and services are spread among five locations, which limits efficiency and long-term sustainability.

 – Prepare and store more supplies for first responses to emergencies such as natural and manmade disasters both locally and as a key component to statewide disaster response efforts.

– We can increase nutritious food, produce, prepared meals and other critical services.

– We can expand & lead programming that meets the unique needs of children, seniors, families, veterans and people living with chronic illness or disabilities.

Unite: Investing in Partners

– By leveraging the capabilities of the organization’s valued 300+ community-based agency partners we will expand services

and reach to where they are needed most.

– Offer more job training programs and courses to empower our community members

Flourish: Addressing Root Causes

 – We can focus on stabilizing lives through a person-centered approach, collaboration, and innovation. Connecting people and neighborhoods with the greatest needs to nutritious food and essential services through the creation of a new 132,000 square-foot facility will allow us to measure success by the number of lives positively impacted by our network.




Feed Unite Flourish News

Join the FEED, UNITE, FLOURISH campaign, learn more about naming and giving opportunities or multi-year pledge options please fill out the form below to contact
Chief Development Officer, Jessica Gosa.

Jessica Gosa - Chief Development Officer